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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

I never dreamed that one day I’d become a Grumpy old man shirt

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She reminds me of I never dreamed that one day I’d become a Grumpy old man shirt, almost completely deaf, quirky, and took to me immediately. She’s my baby. Sofia loves to dress. If you slip a sweater over her head, she will sleeve herself the rest of the sweater and shake it further over her body. This is my 5-year-old precious 3lb chihuahua, Gibby. No teeth. Tongue always sticking out for the most part. I adopted him when he was 6 weeks old, he was full of fleas, worms, and almost died on me, I had to feed him through a syringe. The vet thought he wasn’t gonna make it, he weighed just over a pound. He’s a fighter! We love him to pieces. He is missing a lot of teeth and I think I’m going to get the rest pulled as they are doing more harm than good. Buy this shirt:  I never dreamed that one day I’d become a Grumpy old man shirt I never dreamed that one day I’d become a Grumpy old man shirt

Real news fake president shirt

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Jessica Nalbach thank you for Real news fake president shirt. I also feel the way those people feel. I love MEXICO. They do not judge you here like people do in the states. Angel Medina, it IS actually free. You pay like 50 Mexican cents per semester. You have to pass very competitive exams and it’s kind of a contest, only the best get in. We have other public ones where you pay like 15 USD per semester and even the private ones are not near as expensive as the ones in the US. I can’t wait to visit my beautiful hometown. I left in 1996 and have not gone back but now that I have obtained my permanent resident card and am able to travel back you bet I will go back home. Buy this shirt:  Real news fake president shirt Real news fake president shirt

Asshole shark doo doo doo shirt

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I definitely love Asshole shark doo doo doo shirt! I think you have to have a special kind of humor though. Or a few drinks lol what do you think. Some people should never drink alcohol because they become infuriating when they’re drunk. This guy is one of those people. Would’ve found this way funnier if he wasn’t so insufferable. I always say how Harry always used Ron and Hermoine and I always feel for a random kid that just wanted to go to Hogwarts and enjoy their time-poor kid. Imagine a random Hufflepuff that never met Harry, started after Harry and their older sibling hyped them up about going to Hogwarts. Then they get there and nearly die because Harry decides to fuck it up for everyone else. Buy this shirt:  Asshole shark doo doo doo shirt Asshole shark doo doo doo shirt

Naughty nice an attempt was made shirt

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Consistently, the Naughty nice an attempt was made shirt. Every time I see the sofa with guests I do not think will gel, Graham uses his genius and I laugh harder than ever before! Beware Netflix versions; apparently, some streaming versions have some lines cut out. Corinne these remind me of binge-watching friends and mocking all the cast members. Got a good laugh out of these bloopers. I remember acting classes and they were so fun. Made me kind of think that this would be fun. I know there’s lotta pressure but I still think it would be fun. I honestly kinda want someone to take these outtakes and make R rated cuts of some episodes, just for the novelty. I think the show would be more realistic if they did cuss some. Buy this shirt:  Naughty nice an attempt was made shirt Naughty nice an attempt was made shirt

I destroy silence shirt

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I destroy silence shirt for those who have been in painful relationships. Every line is so true from, I have found peace in your violence, to My whole life I’ve felt like a burden I think too much and I hate it. Amazing lyrics and instrumentation. Thanks for the inspirational lyrics. So much like my life. I always feel like a burden, and it’s not a nice feeling. Marsh mellow is truly an amazing artist his music is powerful and is teaching people how to be right again. Why are we always trying to concentrate only on the pain women undergo? Even men suffer a lot. Who is going to speak on behalf of them? We are very selfish because I believe that both genders undergo a lot of trauma& men cannot even cry aloud. Buy this shirt:  I destroy silence shirt I destroy silence shirt

It’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this shirt

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It’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this shirt for my daughter who was 5 years old. I literally was screaming at them when they wanted to send her home and her fever was 105+ and her white blood count was sky high. Finally got the hospitalist to admit her but she was basically unable to move at this point. Ugh. Love your stuff! Where do you get the time? I’m a nurse and don’t have that much spare time, but you are the kind of MD I would LOVE to work with! Are you hiring? For all my nursing colleagues its worth a look as a reminder and it’s lighthearted but serious. Buy this shirt:  It’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this shirt It’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this shirt

Canceling plans is my love language shirt

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Pretty sure I invented the selfie term in the Canceling plans is my love language shirt. Turn the camera towards self, add friends and badaboom. Selfie. That’s what we called them. Nice to meet you yesterday Nas. You were a genuinely nice and humble person. So many people wanting to take a photo with you but you were patient. Was really wonderful meeting you even if it was for a short while. Sorry couldn’t stay for the video. Hope you enjoy your stay in Melbourne! The first time I’ve ever heard of “selfie” was from an Aussie and fellow lone traveler I met in Bali. Buy this shirt:  Canceling plans is my love language shirt Canceling plans is my love language shirt

Best papa by par shirt

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For us men, especially those of us with several miles on the Best papa by par shirt, we can consider ourselves lucky to have had a man like this that influenced who we have become. Fathers, uncles, brothers, and friends. Men who we looked up to growing up, and who we aspired to be like now. Men we hoped never to disappoint. The thing is now when so many of them have passed, we need to BE those men. The best way to honor them is to be that inspiration for young men. And pass on the gift they gave us. I cannot leave this without making a comment about my father – although he left us much too soon, I have only loving thoughts of him for his kindness to his family, his sense of humor and his understanding. Buy this shirt:  Best papa by par shirt Best papa by par shirt

Spread kindness like wildflowers shirt

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Beautiful and a super way of teaching Spread kindness like wildflowers shirt. My daughter has brought a packet of wildflower seeds to try and create a bed of wildflowers for her children. Would be great for the declining bee population which in turn will help crop pollination obviously, if the government made it a stipulation to plant wildflower like this when fields are left to follow. Have you seen the wildflower plantings on the roundabout and dual carriageway near Redcar? They are beautiful. Let’s see more of this where ever possible. We overcut the grass in so many places when we could have wild flowers for insects. Buy this shirt:  Spread kindness like wildflowers shirt Spread kindness like wildflowers shirt

I had my patience tested I’m negative shirt

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Notice how you managed to make something completely positive into an I had my patience tested I’m negative shirt. You legitimately brought the issue up knowing someone would disagree and then turned it around on the opposition as being a negative. We all have and are entitled our own opinions. It’d be nice if for once something could just stay as positive instead of constantly having everything twisted and manipulated to prove a point. The fact that two people who I love who live on opposite sides of the planet and have never met each other have each commented on this video, makes this video so much more wonderful. This is sweet and precious! I remember when my girls were little and would interpret music like this with their own innocent, uninhibited dances. Buy this shirt:   I had my patience tested I’m negative shirt I had my patience tested I’m negative shirt

We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl shirt

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For the We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl shirt. You can’t compare learning photography with swimming. If you don’t know how to use a camera, you get a bad picture but if you jump into deep water without knowing swimming, you die! So true about the deep end. One year ago I decided I had enough of seeing patients hurt in US hospitals, so I started an advocacy group, started doing FB lives, built a website, starting pushing elected officials to pass laws to protect patients. I met amazing advocates, gained over 3,000 like-minded nurses in New Jersey that wanted to protect their patients, I even spoke in Washington DC. If you have a passion for something, JUST do it! Buy this shirt:  We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl shirt We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl shirt

I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt

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This is the type of I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt. For those teachers who do in fact do this, well done and keep it up, you’re a treasure to generations. The trouble with this degree of wisdom and experience is that the people who need to listen to their advice the most are the last ones to do so. Most people know what they should do or stop doing, however not many of them actually follow through on their wiser insights. How many women do we all know who stay with that bum or abuser who she knows has nothing to offer her but grief? Buy this shirt:  I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt   I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt

I’m a wooden spoon lead paint no car seat no seat belt shirt

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Actual footage of I’m a wooden spoon lead paint no car seat no seat belt shirt of a damn spoon! From oval coffee tables to rectangular wine cabinets, this carpenter can add sliding wooden doors to any of your furniture pieces. When you do the modge podge over everything at the end can you do this if you used chalk paint instead? Make fun all you want. I love and want it! I make signs too! But I can freehand designs, but this just adds something else to the sign making the world. Busy mommy, I love things like this that can cut the time down. So many jealous haters the signs are beautiful and who cares if it’s from a machine that does the carving, as long as it’s nice. Buy this shirt:  I’m a wooden spoon lead paint no car seat no seat belt shirt I’m a wooden spoon lead paint no car seat no seat belt shirt

It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt

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Try being depressed so much so you don’t want to put another human being into the It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt. When you feel so unworthy of anything you just end up existing reluctantly. All well and good people saying how amazing these people all look etc their beliefs are stronger and more real than what you say. It is hardly a surprise given how every magazine has touch up models. It just gives people especially young girls distorted the view of beauty. Just take a look around tv, movies, adverts all you see is people with perfect makeup and perfect hair. Nobody looks like in real life it just doesn’t exist. This is exactly what I say daily. Buy this shirt:  It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt

Official Nobody test my gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt

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Years ago I came to this one of Official Nobody test my gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt. I knew this place was special and the world had to see the positive impact it was having on these youth offenders. What you’re watching here is prison intake at 2 am. Inmates are bussed in, shocked by the intense process and have their heads shaved by one another, which explains why many have fucked up haircuts. It’s brutal and just the beginning. Most definitely a must see. Mr. Johnson thanks for giving back and caring about these youths. Once again your big heart and your positivity really amaze me. Keep doing what you do and stay blessed. Thanks for giving back! I worked at the Texas youth commission in Pyote Texas. Buy this shirt:  Official Nobody test my gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt Official Nobody test my gangsta more than my 2nd child shirt

You may not know me but you know my truck shirt

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Unless I was watching one of them fuck their own sister, this is the You may not know me but you know my truck shirt. Just a bunch of fat guys too lazy to go by their feet making noise in the woods. The only extreme thing about this is that it is extremely annoying. Oh, they are still hooked on at the end. I thought they would at least get thrown over a mountain and into a lake or something. The Dangerous Sports Club created the Human Catapult back in the late 1970s or mid 1980s, it was basically a bungee jumping in reverse, being attached to a huge crane and anchored at the bottom, the crane would stretch out the cord, the human would hit a release and he would go Whoosh off into the sky. Buy this shirt:  You may not know me but you know my truck shirt You may not know me but you know my truck shirt

In case of accident my blood type is Dr Pepper shirt

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In case of accident my blood type is Dr Pepper shirt! Sometimes the amounts needed for the recipe are posted with the video but not always as is the case with these meatballs. Please post ingredient amounts with all recipes. I always try things if I don’t know what’s in it but someone would have to make with my knowing what it was because the sound of it makes me want to puke. I have a similar recipe called root beer chicken and you just substitute the dr. Pepper for the root beer for chicken is delicious! Here’s a better way to spice up your meatballs: sauteé your garlic and onion. It adds an extra level of flavor and a good texture. Buy this shirt:  In case of accident my blood type is Dr Pepper shirt In case of accident my blood type is Dr Pepper shirt

My house is an elf free zone there’s enough tiny little assholes shirt

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Recently tried laughing gas at the My house is an elf free zone there’s enough tiny little assholes shirt and I slept for almost 4 hours. Not everyone immediately recovers. I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Garner a few years ago, she is awesome and so down to earth, man I was so starstruck! I think she spotted someone’s hair or outfit in the audience and she was trying not to judge it. But it’s better not to know so the story can die and not take on another dimension. Sometimes I don’t even know why my face is the way it is and people start thinking I’m disturbed by something or someone. I remember the moment she made that face and it was when some actress was talking about women’s power. Buy this shirt:  My house is an elf free zone there’s enough tiny little assholes shirt My house is an elf free zone there’s enough tiny little assholes shirt

I’m a good mom I just cuss alot shirt

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Indeed greatly appreciated the I’m a good mom I just cuss alot shirt. Yes, I want a good life but am so passionate about the best legacy for both my community and country and network marketing is heartily proving to be my mantra I will embrace. Thank you again Eric happy I have gone through the awesome Go Pro book. I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness. This is awesome! I just got a surprise call from my son and seeing this video is awakening my senses to the possibilities that God has for me. Indeed greatly appreciated the posting very inspiring. Buy this shirt:  I’m a good mom I just cuss alot shirt I’m a good mom I just cuss alot shirt

Forest of Endor summer camp shirt

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The Forest of Endor summer camp shirt and they discovered the alcohol drinks and were a problem. They don’t have idea what is a I’ll , because inside the forest none had been any seek . When they get a flu they died. So this naive Indigenous needs to be protected inside their lands . And they used plants to cure their wounds, when they confront wild animals. They love to hunt little animals and fishes to nourish themselves. Is so amazing to see them smiling when discover their faces in front of the mirror that never had saw. Thank you to sharing with the world our nature! Brazil. And the sad truth is that is been destroyed by livestock lobby, and the indigenous people are been killed, and no one is hearing nothing about it on conventional news. Buy this shirt:  Forest of Endor summer camp shirt Forest of Endor summer camp shirt

Chicago Bears girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt

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Anyone with an ounce of sense will appreciate the situation that this beautiful Chicago Bears girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt. Luckily juniper found a wonderful family and home where she can be loved and safe. Yes, all wild animals should be left alone, but when humans interfere and feck everything up I’m glad there are people like these to step in. I have caught 3 in my backyard after one killed 11 of my lovely Whyendot hens, dug her way into a cage we thought was safe and just killed them all. Buy this shirt:  Chicago Bears girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt Chicago Bears girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt

The List of Jericho you just made the list you stupid idiot shirt

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He wants The List of Jericho you just made the list you stupid idiot shirt. I have a grandaughter nonverbal if that mom doesn’t get a handle on this her son don’t stand a chance let some then like that happen to my granddaughter you’ll see how fast the situation will be dealt with protecting your child. My greatest fear ever, how could something like this ever happen in today’s day and age? Buy this shirt:  The List of Jericho you just made the list you stupid idiot shirt The List of Jericho you just made the list you stupid idiot shirt

Once a cubs fan always a cubs fan no matter where you go shirt

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I need Once a Cubs fan always a Cubs fan no matter where you go or what you do shirt. If you’re saying because they have fur, his legs have always been blue, therefore have always had fur. His arms were not blue until Sonic Boom, which again is what this design seems to be based on as it was the latest Sonic tv show to be released and therefore has the most current cultural relevance. Buy this shirt:  Once a cubs fan always a cubs fan no matter where you go shirt Once a cubs fan always a cubs fan no matter where you go shirt

I don’t have to say no I’m the Autism mom shirt

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I like I don’t have to say no I’m the Autism mom shirt. When I was a kid, The Simpsons came to capital court mall here in Milwaukee and I ran to hug Homer and the staff was fast to keep me from the people in the Simpson costumes.  Hopefully, Homer didn’t focus on the pimps and chuds this time around.  Too bad you didn’t contact me, the original artist and creator. I’ll just leave this here; Tracy got Y’all rich of baby’s candy! Buy this shirt:  I don’t have to say no I’m the Autism mom shirt I don’t have to say no I’m the Autism mom shirt

Night King Daenerys Targaryen Bend the Knee shirt

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Discover natural gas, build pipeline light pipe, a point at the Night King Daenerys Targaryen Bend the Knee shirt. Surely global warming will kill the night king off! Sure & Azor Ahai is just a fantasy! Glad this one’s not a writer! Sorry, but remember, Got revealed that the White Walkers are literally living weapons! MAYBE that could work in the books, but not the way the show is going. The price won’t technically “drop”, but you’ll see the pre-order/day of release “discounts” through Amazon or Best Buy up to half the price of the MSRP. Buy this shirt:  Night King Daenerys Targaryen Bend the Knee shirt Night King Daenerys Targaryen Bend the Knee shirt

I’m a Veteran and a Bears fan which means I’m pretty much perfect shirt

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Are you a blonde? You sure talk like the I’m a Veteran and a Bears fan which means I’m pretty much perfect shirt! Go find or borrow a few brain cells before you give another dumb comment! Watch the vid and comprehend that juniper was never wild to start with! Therefore she would have a much harder life of survival in the wild, so the most caring and loving option would be to bring her up in a loving, warm pet atmosphere! Buy this shirt:  I’m a Veteran and a Bears fan which means I’m pretty much perfect shirt I’m a Veteran and a Bears fan which means I’m pretty much perfect shirt

Oklahoma Sooners Mayfield Plant That Flag shirt

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When was OU good enough to even make a Jordan catalog for Oklahoma Sooners Mayfield Plant That Flag shirt? You could have just stopped the video at the 13s every shoe after that is whack. You know this had to be a black person to buy that many pairs of J’s. He just gave me all the old shit in new updates colors. So it goes up to thirty or the name change after a certain number. Buy this shirt:  Oklahoma Sooners Mayfield Plant That Flag shirt Oklahoma Sooners Mayfield Plant That Flag shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/

Always be yourself unless you can be a Bears girl then always be a shirt

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This new Sonic looks like Always be yourself unless you can be a Bears girl then always be a Bears girl shirt. He looks like what a villain would look in a Narnia CG movie. He’s also ugly and lame. Keep pointing out examples, but you can’t always change opinion. My opinion is he looks awful. However, give me a good trailer and I might still see it. I love me some Sonic. Really dude? You can’t back up your own point or refute his so you just attack his profile picture? Buy this shirt:  Always be yourself unless you can be a Bears girl then always be a shirt Always be yourself unless you can be a Bears girl then always be a shirt

Vintage The Simpsons 1992 City Champs shirt

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Tonight, one of NYC’s most iconic landmarks is honoring one of Vintage The Simpsons 1992 City Champs shirt. The Simpsons turn 30 years old and the Empire State Building is dressed in yellow! Lights on the building. Thays crazy I just got home from work and there are some clouds that look like the Simpsons clouds right now. Buy this shirt:  Vintage The Simpsons 1992 City Champs shirt Vintage The Simpsons 1992 City Champs shirt

I don’t always listen to my Cowboys wife but when I do things tend to shirt

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I love my singing cowboy Santa and I don’t always listen to my Cowboys wife but when I do things tend to work out better shirt. I’ve had this one for many years. There’s a light inside the tent but it doesn’t work. I wish I could remember where I got it from. Oh gosh, love her drive but this one made me literally laugh out loud. Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Buy this shirt:  I don’t always listen to my Cowboys wife but when I do things tend to shirt I don’t always listen to my Cowboys wife but when I do things tend to shirt

All I want for Christmas is Dean Winchester sweater

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I think one of the funniest moments of All I want for Christmas is Dean Winchester sweater the pigeon when he was able to talk to animals. That was hilarious! How on earth is Deans eye of the tiger lip sync not apart of this lol. That moment he throws the arms scratch into his dance moves. I have always told my wife she could mess around on me but only with a dean. I would then be the husband whose wife slept with Dean Winchester. When you’re watching this at work so you can’t use sound but still know exactly everything they’re saying since you’ve seen all the episodes available on Netflix at least 6 times each. Yes, I didn’t use a period until now. The one when he is bragging about killing Hitler should be in one of the vids. Buy this shirt:  All I want for Christmas is Dean Winchester sweater Home:  https://shoppingshirt.com/

Donald Trump Sorry mericas full sweater

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Donald Trump Sorry mericas full sweater! Thanks for sharing. It doesn’t matter what others think and I’m unsure why so many attacked you. You didn’t seem to be trying to get anyone else to go. Perplexing how people can be so critical. As a retired person living on retirement income and SS, I have watched my income drop: I pay more for food, am taxed more by my state on services, pay more for Medicare and drugs, and watch my neighbors struggle to live day to day. No, the economy stinks, but no one realizes it yet! But they will. I am slowly going under water. My family when I was growing up was considered upper middle class now I feel I’m in upper lower class just cuz I have a roof over my head. Buy this shirt:  Donald Trump Sorry mericas full sweater Home:  https://shoppingshirt.com/

Black Panther Kings are born in January shirt

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If I had that suit I’ll take the Black Panther Kings are born in January shirt and share the technology with the rest of the world and create better weapons to protect the would and burn down the US and build a better one. You mean that vibranium that was shown in Iron Man and every other superhero film to include this one? When they bring everybody back from the soul stone after they defeat Thanos, Tony Stark should create a suit out of Vibranium. Your speed of sound compared to the strength of material does not follow! The statement right after makes a leap reinforcing your position that graphene is stronger than the impact of a bullet traveling at the speed of sound! Buy this shirt:  Black Panther Kings are born in January shirt Home: https://shoppingshirt.com/tees/black-panther-kings-born-january-shirt/

Dragon Ball Christmas tree sweater

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You were the perfect choice for Stoic and played the Dragon Ball Christmas tree sweater! Loved the first two and will be sad to see this beautiful story come to an end! No one could have done it better! Could you imagine relaxing at home enjoying life then all of a sudden some giant asshole comes along and picks you up just so he can make a video? Had an old timer once tell me that if you ever have one latch on to you that you shove your finger up its ass and it will let go. So I asked, Well why does it let go? Mud dragon sounds like something that’d cost you 20 bucks and a can of skoal yet send you back home with something worse than that snapping turtle would. Buy this shirt:  Dragon Ball Christmas tree sweater Dragon Ball Christmas tree sweater

Uncle the man the myth the bad influence shirt

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Uncle the man the myth the bad influence shirt! I will always end up in the kitchen after watching. I love Thailand! An awesome video and an interesting place this time. Never fail to make me salivating for food. Every single time whenever you put any food in your mouth with that detailed explanation of the taste of it, I can literally taste it. It is awesome how can someone describe any food with that kind of expression. It’s hands down ridiculously fantastic. Love all the videos you made and I hope that you will continue to make more of them and of course, I really wish that you can go to other countries and taste their local delights as well! You go, Mark! Buy this shirt:  Uncle the man the myth the bad influence shirt Home:  https://shoppingshirt.com/

Grinch I am sorry the nice dental hygienist is on vacation shirt

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Am I the Grinch I am sorry the nice dental hygienist is on vacation shirt? Everyone else is so boring now except for Snooki if it wasn’t for Angelina and Snooki every episode would be based on Ron and his abusive relationship. I think they’re all shitty girlfriends when they keep telling her to go in bed with Vinny when they’ve met her fiance, and still push her and Vinny to sleep together. That’s just bad friends or friends that don’t give a shit about you. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Angelina sticks out like a sore thumb. No matter how hard she tries she will never be apart of the Jersey shore family. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I am sorry the nice dental hygienist is on vacation shirt Grinch I am sorry the nice dental hygienist is on vacation shirt

Druncle Like a normal uncle only drunker shirt

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You can see him putting his arms up trying to help himself after clearly already suffering from a Druncle Like a normal uncle only drunker shirt? I suspect you would t feel this way if it were your Mum or dad! That poor man it’s probably in a lot of pain and probably was cut up to I have seen people fall on them escalators at the mall when I worked there some of them got really hurt that is no funny matter. Look like he broke his neck from the first fall cause he didn’t move at all the escalator done it all and it is not one bit funny should be took down could be any of out fathers or grandad and by luck, it didn’t turn out well. Buy this shirt:  Druncle Like a normal uncle only drunker shirt Druncle Like a normal uncle only drunker shirt

I wouldn’t even kiss you under a general anaesthetic shirt

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I wouldn’t even kiss you under a general anaesthetic never mind under fucking mistletoe shirt. I love the writing that keeps Valentin in old character when his past comes up. He starts to stutter again. This is a story I could watch for a long time. I hope Robert Scorpio is not dead. As much as I like Carly and Sonny together she needs to give Sunny a run for his money for not trusting and believing in her. Stop and think Sonny what Nell did to you. Thank God for Jason he is a true friend more so than when Carly’s husband is. I figured out who Drew Kane is! He is Erika Kane’s son! Maxi was talking to Erica Kane on the phone a week or two ago. Buy this shirt:  I wouldn’t even kiss you under a general anaesthetic shirt I wouldn’t even kiss you under a general anaesthetic shirt

Protect black women at all costs shirt

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Protect black women at all costs shirt, I cut contact with my mother and my brothers and sister because they were toxic and draining me mentally, I’m celebrating this Christmas in my own home and I’m finally happy, I have no desire to talk to my mother because it not worth it and she will never charge. For anything who in the same situation, stay strong and keep moving forward, life is to short to keep toxic people in your life, put yourself first, be selfish because in the end your the only one can make yourself happy. This can be a lonely, but necessary process. I know that in the end, God is going to bless me. Buy this shirt:  Protect black women at all costs shirt Protect black women at all costs shirt

Gym hair don’t care shirt

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Love the Gym hair don’t care shirt from the woman and yet when they have hair loss, it’s treated like the end of the World and so much worst. It’s no less upsetting for men. No one cares when a woman gets a breast augmentation so why is this so bad? If a man wants to improve his looks – he has that choice. Whatever makes you happy. I love the tiny smiles these guys have where they are trying not to. They look so happy. No one should make fun of this. Walk this path before you judge. I say, to each his own. If it makes men happy, so be it. Women have all kinds of tricks to make themselves feel pretty. This is no different. If it makes a man feel better about themselves, it’s their money. Go for it. Buy this shirt:  Gym hair don’t care shirt Gym hair don’t care shirt

Every great father teaches his children the ways of the force baseball shirt

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You miss my point completely. I have absolutely no issue with the Every great father teaches his children the ways of the force baseball shirt. What I have an issue with is the narcissistic father recording it and posting it to social media which in turn he has just bullied his own child. Therefore, leading me to believe that she learned the bullying behavior from home. Angela Evans Andrews strong parenting doesn’t need validation. Buy this shirt:  Every great father teaches his children the ways of the force baseball shirt Every great father teaches his children the ways of the force baseball shirt

Official Aquaman shirt

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Another crapfest. I need Aquaman shirt. Looks good in the trailer but films another jumbled mess. The main fight scene has so much confusion going on around it. The best part of the first fight is the octopus playing drums. And sadly the rematch ends as stupid as the lead up to it. And as for the main villain? He actually appears for one 10 minute fight scene. I just got done watching it on my cinema had the app it’s a good movie. Buy this shirt:  Official Aquaman shirt Official Aquaman shirt

Aquaman Straight Outta Atlantis shirt

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I want Arthur to take Manta down one day and kill him for what he did to Arthur Jr. I need Aquaman Straight Outta Atlantis shirt. I hope we get The Eel, Kordax, The Fisherman, and Siren again soon. I hope we get The Eel, Kordax, The Fisherman, and Siren again soon. See the final trailer for #Aquaman now and dive into a never before seen epic adventure – in theaters December 21. New Lion King still won’t top the old one Disney should just stop remaking old classic movies. Buy this shirt:  Aquaman Straight Outta Atlantis shirt Aquaman Straight Outta Atlantis shirt

My wife isn’t Fragile like a flower she is Fragile like a bomb a Cubs fan shirt

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Why are we taking so long to tackle this immigration invasion situation? Stop the invasion for all My wife isn’t Fragile like a flower she is Fragile like a bomb yes she is a Cubs fan shirt. Because climate is always changing. Always has, always will. Yes, we should do whatever we can to reduce pollution, but, there are limits. Recycle, reduce emissions, etc. My mums is now a cyborg never once mentioned Joey the budgie before or that there are two suns..one at that end of the street and one at that end and it only rains in the neighbors garden. Buy this shirt:  My wife isn’t Fragile like a flower she is Fragile like a bomb a Cubs fan shirt My wife isn’t Fragile like a flower she is Fragile like a bomb a Cubs fan shirt

Dallas Cowboys If you stand by them during the bad times shirt

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To be able to wear that star on the field when she can’t be there, it’s really special. I need Dallas Cowboys If you stand by them during the bad times you deserve to be there during the good times Cowboys stay loyal shirt. Check out this brand new Dallas Cowboys fan! He is my 2 1/2-year-old grandson Ethan. His dad (pretending to sleep) is a big Patriots fan, but Ethan figured out HIS team Sunday. His mom, my daughter Kelsey is teaching him well! Go, Cowboys! The next 3 weeks are going to be a wild ride. Buy this shirt:  Dallas Cowboys If you stand by them during the bad times shirt Dallas Cowboys If you stand by them during the bad times shirt

New Orleans Saints 2018 NFC South division Champions reppin’ the South shirt

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Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love New Orleans Saints 2018 NFC South division Champions reppin’ the South shirt. Everything will change in your life when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love. Troubling’ video shows police in New York grabbed a baby from its mum during an arrest in Brooklyn. Buy this shirt:  New Orleans Saints 2018 NFC South division Champions reppin’ the South shirt New Orleans Saints 2018 NFC South division Champions reppin’ the South shirt

Kansas City Chiefs If you stand by them during the bad times shirt

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Coach Reid called yesterday’s performance the best of Kansas City Chiefs If you stand by them during the bad times you deserve to be there during the good times Chiefs stay loyal shirt. Great Win. Character-Defining. Championship Pedigree. What a show. The Chiefs better lock him up for his career or this fan of 35 years is gone! 100% agree. Under those situations, it’s hard to overcome and do. What he did was absolutely amazing. So glad he’s our guy! True, it was also great seeing the entire team come together and play strong. Buy this shirt:  Kansas City Chiefs If you stand by them during the bad times shirt Kansas City Chiefs If you stand by them during the bad times shirt

The greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland Kris Bryant shirt

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Most of the cops are overacting in almost every situations. I want The greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland Kris Bryant and Anthony Rizzo shirt. I don’t mean all the cops are bad but there are some cops whom they do not deserve to be trusted. They are here to served the people, not to humiliate the people.. sometimes it seems like the law is in their hand. That’s not how it works as we all know, to be honest, some cops are not aware of the law, or they even don’t know what does the law meant. Buy this shirt:  The greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland Kris Bryant shirt The greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland Kris Bryant shirt

Dallas Cowboys write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt

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I sure hope the Dallas Cowboys write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt. That’s like asking the CEO of McDonald’s if their burgers are better than Wendy’s. Dallas Cowboys made history yesterday by being the first team in league history to lose a fumble (by lose I mean the opposing team recovered) and kept the football. If Dallas had even had a contender for the football I wouldn’t be pissed. No Cowboys in the pile. That was a turnover. Buy this shirt:  Dallas Cowboys write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt Dallas Cowboys write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt

New Orleans Saints write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt

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I always like the saints and always will they are number New Orleans Saints write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt. Go Saints. Need to get my NFC championship tickets the dome is gonna go off. This is the Problem with the Bucs. One half like a Super Bowl contender, and the other half like the Raiders. Saints won. Rams lost. Pats lost. Panthers lost. It was a good day for football! Buy this shirt:  New Orleans Saints write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt New Orleans Saints write your worries in sand chisel your victory in stone shirt