It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt
Try being depressed so much so you don’t want to put another human being into the It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt. When you feel so unworthy of anything you just end up existing reluctantly. All well and good people saying how amazing these people all look etc their beliefs are stronger and more real than what you say. It is hardly a surprise given how every magazine has touch up models. It just gives people especially young girls distorted the view of beauty. Just take a look around tv, movies, adverts all you see is people with perfect makeup and perfect hair. Nobody looks like in real life it just doesn’t exist. This is exactly what I say daily.

Buy this shirt: It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt
It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt

Buy this shirt: It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt
It isn’t really hoarding if your stuff is cool shirt
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