Two Schnauzer Bling Christmas sweater
Our two Schnauzers, Tricki and Lexie, meet a squirrel! I need this Two Schnauzer Bling Christmas sweater. I lost our Schnauzer buddy due to old age these two are now guarding me like there is no tomorrow. What’s better than 1 Schnauzer? Two! Mabel and Winston were in to visit Dr. Frye. Winston was in for moral support of his sister Mabel. Puppy love! It was a wee bit like a grooming parlor at cake HQ today as I attempted to capture the likeness of Archie & Sadie – two adorable Schnauzers! Can’t believe it is 3 years since I did Jake’s cake for his 18th! Love my job.

Buy this shirt: Two Schnauzer Bling Christmas sweater

Buy this shirt: Two Schnauzer Bling Christmas sweater
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